The crusher-X License


This License applies to the above mentioned accSone software product (software, data and accompanying written materials including instructions for use), called "Program" below. The Program is a copyrighted work whose copyright is held by accSone, Dr. Jörg Stelkens, called the "Licensor" below.

This is the legal agreement between you and the Licensor covering your use of the Program.

Be sure to read the following agreement before using the Program. By clicking the "agree"-button you acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.

If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, please choose "I Do Not Agree". The installation of the Program will be terminated.



No rights are granted to the Program except as expressly set forth herein. Besides all copyrights are reserved for the Licensor. accSone explicitly reserves the right to use the crusher-X versions for commercial text and data mining.

You may not copy, adapt, translate, sublicense, distribute, rent or lease, modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Program either as such or in part except as expressly provided under this license. Any use of this Program in violation of the above is not or no longer licensed, in case of violation the license terminates automatically.


The Program is distributed in a DEMO-VERSION and in a FULL-VERSION. To know about your kind of version, please see the "about box".


The Full-Version of the Program may be installed on up to FIVE terminal devices/computers, which are not used as a server. For the Full-Version of the Program a SINGLE non-exclusive, temporally and spatially unrestricted license is transferred limited to use on ONE terminal device/computer at the same time.

Other copies may be made of the Full-Version solely for backup or archival purposes, usually limited to only one single copy. An additional license for a Full-Version and payment is required for each contemporaneous use on another terminal device/computer or in a network. Besides you may not copy, adapt, translate, sublicense, distribute, rent or lease, modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Full-Version either as such or in part.

Distribution of the Full-Version of the Program without permission of the Licensor is prohibited. We are more than happy to allow you to distribute our Program, but you must first have a license to do so. Contact us for details on obtaining a distribution license.


accSone Demo-Versions are partial versions of the Program´s Full-Version. The Demo-Version of the Program is of comparable quality. The main difference is in the scope of program functions and in the method of distribution.

The Demo-Version gives users a chance to try software before buying it. The Demo-Version should only be used as long and as far as it is necessary to find out whether the purchase of the Full-Version is reasonable.

Copyright laws apply to the Demo-Version of the Program, too, and the Licensor retains all rights with a few specific exceptions as stated below.

For the Demo-Version of the Program a non-exclusive, temporally and spatially unrestricted license is transferred. You may not adapt, translate, sublicense, modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Demo-Version either as such or in part. The Demo-Version can be freely copied by you as often as you want, but only in unmodified form and without charge. Commercial distribution of the Demo-Version is prohibited.

Distributors of the accSone Demo-Versions may have charged a nominal fee for the distribution of this version of the Program. This fee does not constitute payment for the licensed version of the Program.


The Program (software, data and accompanying written materials including instructions for use) is provided to you "AS IS" without warranties or conditions of any kind, whether oral or written, express or implied, in no event unless required by mandatory applicable warranty law. There is no warranty for the Program whether expressed or implied for suitability for a particular purpose or noninfringement of third party rights.

No oral or written information or advice given by the Licensor, its dealers, distributors, agents or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of warranty and you may not rely on any such information or advice. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Program is with you. You assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

In no event unless required by mandatory applicable law or agreed to in writing will Licensor or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the Program as permitted above be liable to you for damages, including any direct, indirect, general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the Program to operate with any other programs, loss of business profits, business interruption and the like), even if the Licensor has been adviced of the possibility of such damages.